As we near the end of library card sign-up month, we’d like to share something that Riann, a patron at the Naselle Timberland Library, wrote about the impact that the library has had on her and her family's lives:
"'A book is a gift you can open again and again.' Garrison Keillor wrote those words, but I am a recipient of that gift through the Naselle Timberland Library.
I went on to teach my six children how to read and to love the gift of books. Four of them were born on different continents, and the Timberland Library has a collection as diverse as their birth cultures and heritage.
Today we carry our finds in a basket that was woven in Africa. The amazing library staff has helped curate books, movies, and magazines to meet our family’s needs for school project research, entertainment, and curiosity. They alert us to a new magazine on the shelf, a program the library is offering, or a Lucky Day find that this mama might delight in.
My kids download audiobooks and enjoy the incredible digital collection that TRL offers, but nothing compares to being known by name as you walk in the door and finding that gift of a book on the shelf. We are so very grateful for the Naselle Timberland Library."

Thank you, Riann. For your patronage and for your beautiful words of appreciation.
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علمی وفکری اختلاف آپ کا حق ہے۔ بلاگ پر تمام خدمات بلا اجرت فی سبیل اللہ ہیں بس آپ سے اتنی گزارش ہے کہ بلاگ کو زیادہ سے زیادہ شئیر ،کمنٹس اور لائیک کریں ۔آپ اپنی پسندیدہ کتاب کی فرمائش کر سکتے ہیں۔اگر کسی کتاب کو ڈون لوڈ کرنے میں پریشانی ہو تو آپ کمنٹس میں لکھ دیجئے ان شاء اللہ اسکا لنک درست کر دیا جائے گا۔